Taxi Driver - Travis Bickle "I Got Some Bad Ideas In My Head" 1976 played by Robert De Niro Materials used: Acrylic on fabric jacket Gallery: – Click on painting to enlarge...
Jazzy Night at French Quarter in New Orlean outside of Le Bon Temps Roule, Historic bar - commissioned artwork on its way to New Orlean Materials used: Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 60cm Gallery: – Click on painting to enlarge...
Van Gogh Style artwork of Kentish Pub - Drakes Cork and Cask - SOLD and Displayed at the Drake's pub in Maidstone. If you are lucky, you might meet me there Materials used: Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 60cm Gallery: – Click on painting to enlarge...
Elon Musk - Gollums Incarnation, Somewhere on Mars, Only Doge Knows Materials used: Acrylic painting on canvas 80cm x 60cm Gallery: – Click on painting to enlarge...